This is another image where it pays to look up. My dad and I had walked to a coffee shop located in a small shopping mall and were on our way back to the house when I looked up and saw this gorgeous blue sky framed by the buildings. Dad waited as I took a few frames. It reminds me of younger years hiking with my dad. I wonder how much I missed because I was so focused on the trail in my attempt to keep up with him and not stumble. Photography has taught me to slow down, look around and see all that is present to me. Dont’ want to miss those blue skies.
Especially those blue skies framed by southwestern architecture. Those two colors go together wonderfully!
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Paul. That is one of the reasons desert scenes are appealing to me.
Anita Jesse
Wonderful shapes here. It is a shame, isn’t that we seem mostly to be in such a hurry to get where we are going that we miss being where we are.
Monte Stevens
I’m as guilty as anyone. There are times when I arrive somewhere and realize I don’t remember the drive. What’s also disappointing is missing out on a good conversation because the mind went elsewhere.
Ken Bello
Slowing down is very under rated. Nice shot.
Monte Stevens
As I get older and slow down, I find I see much more. Most of what I now see was always there. Thanks, Ken.