I like books. I have used them to enrich, entertain, nurture, guide, and enlighten my life. I’ve discovered favorite genres and authors. Even though I mostly read on an e-reader I still enjoy “feeling” my way through a book store or library. Prior to my seven year stint of flying I had a decent library. It is now down to 75 books or so. My library is now my e-reader as I carry it everywhere, just like my camera.
Steve Skinner
I vowed to never get an e-reader. Then a few years ago I made the leap and now I seldom read an actual book.
Monte Stevens
I still pick one up every once in a while. I need the feeling they offer. I have found times, when holding a real book, attempting to touch a word on the page to see its definition.
I’m almost a 100% e-reader convert now and fine it awkward reading a regular book unless it’s some type of how-to, instructional or photo book with diagrams and illustrations. However, I still like to see them on the shelves and some times hold and flip through them…not sure what that says about ME!
Have a very Happy New Year, Monte!
Monte Stevens
Sounds like we’re on the same page when it comes to reading. I’m now reading a large format book with detailed images to follow along. An e-book would not work as well. Seems you will have an interestingredient and exciting 2015.
Cedric Canard
I bought a small, pocketable reader a couple of years ago and the number of books I read the first year was 5-fold. It’s so easy to “pick up” another book once you finish one. On my last trip to the US I lost it somehow and was unable to find a similarly sized reader since they stopped making it. So now I use my phone which is large and I’ve gotten used to the back-lit screen tough I am sure that someday I will get a proper reader again. Interestingly my kids dislike readers and insist on having paper books which is fine by me. As I empty my shelves of my books, they fill them up with theirs.
Have a great new year Monte.
Monte Stevens
My amount of reading increased dramatically after purchasing the Kindle. I also went through a learning curve on how to use it and how to handle it. I’m pretty comfortable with it now. When I do come across a good book and want to place it on the bookshelf I can do that also. I’m glad your children enjoy holding a book astore there is something magical about them.
Tom Dills
Most of the current books that I read are ebooks. The paper books that I still have are mostly photography books. I still prefer to look at photographs on paper rather than on a screen. Now if someone would just come out with an Android tablet with a non-glare screen I’d be all set. I think one of the new iPads might have one but I’m not going back there and I don’t really want a Kindle. Too picky, aren’t I?
Cedric Canard
I know what you mean Tom. I’d like a tablet with a screen that can turn itself into e-paper for reading novels and then turn back into a regular backlit screen at a touch of a button. I bought my daughter a Surface Pro 3 recently and I have to say that reading photography magazines on it is really nice but still not perfect for regular reading. Anyway, I don’t think wanting such a device is being too picky; it’s long overdue I say
Monte Stevens
I understand what you’re saying, having one device meet all my needs and works perfectly. I find the back lit screen tires my eyes quicker than the paper white screen. I also enjoy the ability to read in bright sunlight with the paper white screen. What matters most, no matter the media, is picking up any of them and venturing within the words. I smile as I think about what you guys have read and how it has formed who are. That is a gift to everyone.