Every breath is a prayer
Steven Charleston
This is along Weld County Road 15 looking west. The mountains are in the far distance while the clouds give warning of the rain expected to arrive later in the night, which it did. Something positive happens to my spirit when I spend time in these sanctuaries. The chaos of the world does not leave but my internal chaos subsides. I change! And, so I set up my camera and take a few shots, then inhale and exhale breaths of prayer. Grateful!! Happy Monday!
Faye White
Nature is the best medicine. However, nature is currently giving me rain to the nth degree and I’m not feeling medicated.
Monte Stevens
Sounds like a bit of overdose of your medication. It is a beautiful day here in Colorado with blues skies and clouds drifting through the skies. Looks like a day to stay inside and paint.
I love that small tree in the corner, it’s a nice punctuation for the scene. I can see you love of clouds was rewarded that morning!
Monte Stevens
I have several different compositions with this little tree in it. It looks bigger than it really is. And today we have similar clouds so I’m smiling!
geri oster
Oh, what a gift, the “breath of prayer”. The sky out my front window this morning looks much the same-calming. I even opened the window to let in the bird song and fresh air with the scent of rain in it. I usually don’t do that due to our seasonal allergies and pollen at its peak, but this morning I couldn’t resist.
That lone cottonwood is such a comfort to me, Monte. There it stands amidst that breathtaking landscape and sky. Reminds me that even though I may feel as though I am standing alone at times, the grace and glory of the Creator is always surrounding me. Blessing.
Monte Stevens
Thank you, Geri. At this time in my life it is important that I make sure I have time in nature, even when allergies flair up. I made tree trips to the natural area yesterday. I needed it. Sometimes I think I go to his nature is because i’m running away from my own. The truth is, I am probably running to my home. Enjoy that spring like weather your having now.