it is a serious thing
Mary Oliver
just to be alive
on this fresh morning
in this broken world.
Violence never brings peace nor does it solve problems in our world. It’s insanity when we think fixing a broken world or disturbed mind can be accomplished through violence. It’s insanity when some keep trying it again and again. It’s insanity when we encourage such thinking. It’s insanity when we fail to speak up against it. There is another way.
Evil or some form of insanity, seems to be prevailing in today’s world. It’s beyond frustrating and discouraging and it leaves me feeling this nation is indeed broken.
Monte Stevens
Evil or some form of insanity may be the same thing. Yes, what I see happening is so disheartening but not ready to give up. My hope is that some of this world is awakening to our brokenness and taking steps, in whatever way they can, and be the change needed. There are things we can do with legislation but there is so much more change that must come from within us. I’m still seeking to know what more I can do in my everyday life. Yes, I do have hope!
Seems this has been preached for thousands of years. Maybe human brains are incapable of totally eradicating the darker impulses.
Monte Stevens
That’s probably true, Mark. I have the dark side within me and go there more often than I prefer. However, I do not live there.
Evil will always exist in some form but we don’t have to give it an AR15. As long as these weapons are readily available, mass killings will continue. At some point, we have to say “no more”.
Monte Stevens
I don’t think anyone needs and AR15 or similar weapon, so I agree with you. I would like to see legislation to make it illegal to manufacture such weapons.
Tom Dills
I struggle every time one of these things occurs. I know in my mind and heart that putting some kind of lid on assault weapons and the people who buy them is an answer. But the proverbial genie is out of the bottle on that subject. The gun issue is unfortunately just one of too many ways our country has been corrupted by the influence of big money and big power. I agree with Earl that our nation and the principles put forth by our founders appear to be irreparably broken.
What a mess we’ve become.
Monte Stevens
As I responded to Earl, I do have hope. I’ve watched people change when given some small spark of hope.