People wish to be poets more than they wish to write poetry, and that’s a mistake. One should wish to celebrate more than one wishes to be celebrated.
Lucille Clifton
If we change the word poet and poetry to some other creative field, her words would work for them also. So, I suggest we celebrate whatever creative endeavor we’re drawn too and not fret about any accolades. It could be as a photographer or even a barista.
This is not my normal mocha latte. It is called a Brooklyn Woodrow which is a cuban style espresso. It’s an espresso drink usually made with a strong dark roast then sweetened with sugar to counter the bitterness. Some even whip the sugar in the espresso. The Bean Cycle makes theirs in a 6 oz mug. Therefore the ratio between a single shot of espresso to milk is much different than in a 12 oz latte, thus making it stronger tasting. They then sweeten it with a dash of brown sugar. My taste buds like it. So, I’m gonna celebrate this anonymous creative barista who created this!
Tom Dills
What a great quote! We want the image, the lifestyle or the rewards but don’t want to do the work. A familiar refrain, unfortunately.
The coffee sounds delicious! We recently spent some time in Waynesville, NC and I picked up some beans from my favorite roaster -my first from them in nearly 2 years. I’m loving it, but it still isn’t as schfancy as your Cuban latte. That’s art!
Monte Stevens
Yes, on the familiar refrain. I’m guilty!
The coffee to me is just enough, has the flavor my taste buds are drawn to and it is an art.
Excellent quote and the Brooklyn Woodrow sounds superb! I learned to love coffee when I was working in Caracas, Venezuela in 1992.
Monte Stevens
I didn’t know that about you. You are a well traveled woman. I bet they make some wonderful coffee down there.