Sorry if you got lost and found my blog page blank. I’m juggling a few things around on this website in anticipation of adding to this website. I originally had a Home page with a slide show of the same images that are also in my galleries. I’m questioning why have both? So, I decided to remove the home page slide show and make the blog page the home page. So, if your RSS feeder is looking for my blog page it will be blank. You will need to change that feeder to this url.
What started all this was the positive remarks I was seeing about Squarespace. Since my hosting service at BlueHost was expiring in April I decided to give it their 14-day free trial. I do like the simplicity of their templates on Squarespace. However, I’ve discovered that WordPress and my Photocrati theme is directed more towards photographers. It suits me better.
No problem getting here, chief. I’m with Bluehost as well, have been for years and years. I just renewed, last year, I believe, for another couple of years.
Monte Stevens
There does seem to be some very slow times at Bluehost. But, overall I’m satisfied. Having a few days playing with Squarspace has let me know the power I have in WordPress. Bluehost is also about $8 less a month.
Monte Stevens
By the way I do like the changes on your site.