I met up with Tom and Kathy Dills, who are visiting from North Carolina, yesterday morning for coffee at the Old Town Mugs. We solved a few of the world problems in the morning over coffee then yesterday afternoon we drove north of Fort Collins to chase the sun and look for a few trees. We found both.

This was taken at one of the first stops along the way. I like how nature will provide some image for us, even while kneeling in a barditch and shooting through a barbed wire fence with spiderwebs.

Good conversation over Thai food was had later after the sun had set and the light was gone. Tom and Kathy are out here for part of their adventure to visit all the states. They were out here a few years ago so it has been good to visit with them again. The plan is take more photos and hopefully get a few of the Colorado Aspens.
It’s nice to meet our ‘virtual’ friends on occasion. Especially those from different areas who may see our homelands in a way we haven’t. Looking forward to their take on your lands.
Monte Stevens
I’ve had the privilege of meeting several of my ‘virtual friends.’ What a gift that has been.