At the end of the day when you can finally sit down and take your shoes off, check those socks. It may be the answer to why the day was rougher than usual. And we try to blame others. 🙂
My online journal sharing interests in photography, nature, coffee life, journaling, fountain pens, bicycling, spirituality and asking deep questions.
Ok, I laughed our loud when I saw this photo and I’m left thinking perhaps I have socks that are left and rights but not marked. There are certainly days that seem like I have them on the wrong feet. 🙂
Monte Stevens
Better check them out and laughing out load is great for us.
That’s funny, Monte. I have a pair of those dri-fit socks and I can honestly say that I’ve never put them on wrong, thanks to the nice hints. 😀 Thanks for the laugh!!!
Monte Stevens
Can you imagine putting on two lefts or two rights? 🙂 Probably couldn’t walk!
What does it mean when you have already given up on even making your socks match?
Monte Stevens
One blue sock, one green sock and both for the left foot could pose some problems. But we stumble forward anyway, and still get the shot!!! 🙂