As I was about to leave my daughters house on Christmas eve, I found Cricket asleep on their bed near the woodstove. I guess it was just too exhausting. Hope everyone enjoyed the holidays.
My online journal where I share my interests in photography, nature, coffee life, journaling, fountain pens, bicycling, spirituality and asking deep questions.
Tom Dills
Merry Christmas a day late, Monte. I hope you had a good day!
Monte Stevens
As a matter of fact I did enjoy it. Over ate on Christmas eve. Ugh!
Tom Dills
I’m pretty sure that overeating is a requirement.
Lovely, inviting image, Monte. And a belated Merry Christmas!
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Faye! The gifts I unwrapped were good gifts. However, the best gifts were time with family and friends. Oh, and the food!
Hope your’s was full of cheer and family, Monte. We went to western Massachusetts where it was cold, wet, snowy and full of fun with family. Come back to SoCal and it’s just cold and wet but with sunshine.
Monte Stevens
It was a good time with family and friends. Oh, and it’s cold and snowy here!