Spent time in Old Town area for a ĺook at the lights. My hands were cold by the time I returned home. But, made a hot chocolate as the images downloaded. All is good.
My online journal where I share my interests in photography, nature, coffee life, journaling, fountain pens, bicycling, spirituality and asking deep questions.
Steve Skinner
The frozen fountain is a great addition to the image.
Monte Stevens
They just finished remodeling this whole area. Everything is different except the fountain, thankfully.
A really lovely holiday image, Monte, and hot Chocolate is a wonderful cure for the chills…and many other things I suspect.
Monte Stevens
Hot chocolate can hit the spot!
Tom Dills
Currier & Ives in a camera. Nice one, Monte!
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Tom!
Cedric Canard
Nice scene Monte. Really liking that flare. Very J. J. Abrams
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Cedric!
So festive and quaint. Merry Christmas.
Monte Stevens
Thank you, Karin!