My weather app said -8 degrees and my car said -1. Take your pick, they’re both too cold. Expecting a high of 28 degrees, that’s a positive but it will be cold again tonight. Just dropped my car off to have the oil changed and walked over to a favorite coffee shop. This is an image from 2009 and also has that cold feel. Stay warm or dry wherever you are.
Cedric Canard
2009, huh? So this photo was made back when your old laptop was brand new then
Stay warm, mate.
We could use some of those negative Fahrenheit degrees over here, thanks Monte. Just kidding, you can keep them all to yourself
Monte Stevens
Yes, maybe we can swap a few degrees. Seriously, how many you want?
Tom Dills
Kathy & I were planning to take a walk this afternoon, but stepped outside and decided it was too cold. It’s about 50 here today – we’re weather wimps.
Monte Stevens
I’m becoming more of a wimp as I get older so I totally relate.