“We can no longer hear the voice of the rivers, the mountains, or the sea. The trees and meadows are no longer intimate modes of spirit presence. The world about us has become an ‘it’ rather than a ‘thou.’” Thomas Berry
My online journal where I share my interests in photography, nature, coffee life, journaling, fountain pens, bicycling, spirituality and asking deep questions.
Steve Skinner
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Steve! Enjoy your Sunday!
Tom Dills
Monte’s got it made in the shade! Summer has finally arrived here and the shade is the place to be. Those Columbine are very nice, and the photo isn’t too shabby either!
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Tom. My sister has an amazing yard, her sanctuary, with wonderful flowers of all sorts. I think she may have a name for each of them, which means she must come up with a new name each day. These Columbines are volunteers.
I’d have to agree with Berry’s quote. The world has definitely become an IT! Lovely photo, too!
Monte Stevens
As long as we see the world around us as an IT, we are incapable of sensing anything thing like a “thou.” I’m grateful when I have the chance to experience the beauty of nature. Thanks, Brookes.