


When checking on a favorite photoblogger do you ever find yourself glancing at their image then movinig quickly to the comments, rather than spending time looking at the image to see what it says to you? Well, I do. It seems strange to me that I do this. Am I wanting to know what others see so I can see what they see? Even after posting an image on my blog I find myself wondering what people will say about my images or the commentary I may have included.

So, it brings up the question: what would our blogs look like if we only were able to post images but were not able to post comments. Hope everyone has a great weekend.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku/poetry. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • pj

    Hard to say what a blog might look like without comments, other than it wouldn’t be possible to chime in to the discussion and it might get pretty boring to simply post pictures and get no feedback. Many would probably look much like they do now.

    On the other hand, how many of us play it safe, post shots we feel will be popular and widely approved rather than try new things and risking negative feedback? Maybe if comments weren’t a part of a blog more photographers would post more risky and experimental work. Who knows? Interesting question.

  • Earl

    It would look like one person having a conversation…everyone would simply be stating their own opinions with no feedback. Not very useful if you ask me.

    • Monte Stevens

      I enjoy the comments and being able to leave comments. I do my best to share positive and encouraging comments. For me there is a need to have good critiquing of my images and not just everyday comments.

  • Mary Ann

    Funny, I often do not read the comments unless I have lots of time to just peruse. I like to look at the photo and then see what your text says. Sometimes it matches what is reflected to me from the photo and sometimes it is completely different.

    Kind of like inkblot-blogging, I guess…

  • Paul

    Been there, done that. 🙂 I had a pixelpost blog for a while. Just photos, no ‘message’. I much prefer the latter than the former. It gets boring after a while. I found myself always trying to cater to the audience just to get a bit of praise, a pat on the head, for my photo. I much prefer to participate in the conversation.

    • Monte Stevens

      I admit to enjoying the relationships with other photographers through WordPress and also with my Aminus3 blog. Comments on aminus3 and pbase don’t seem to have the same depth as I find here. Some people only comment hoping to receive comments. I’ve even had them give me their links in their comments.