Monday was an Estes Park day. I drove up the canyon and spent some time wandering the streets, in and out of shops. Found a coffeehouse and enjoyed a mocha along the Big Thompson Riverwalk. I enjoyed a lunch at a small Mexican restaurant. It was a be-good-to-me day.
Steve Skinner
I have been to Estes Park several times; it is a real treasure!
Monte Stevens
Very much agree with you, Steve.
Tom Dills
Be-good-to-me-days are good days! As much as we liked Fort Collins, we liked Estes Park and it’s proximity to RMNP, and hope to go back to both places soon. Not this year, unfortunately. But perhaps next year. Ya never know about us!
Monte Stevens
That’s right we never know about you guys. I’m fond of Estes Park and the feel it gives me. Words fall short so I won’t even go there.
That sounds like a wonderful day, meandering about.
That’s an interesting mailbox, indeed!
Monte Stevens
Thanks Paul. I know you enjoy those meandering days, also. One thing Estes Park offers is the quick acceptor hiking trails that are not for meandering but some strenuous hikes. You could use the fit bits up there.
Well, the only problem with what you said was one word: strenuous!
I’ve been on some hikes with Vanessa that she said were moderate, but if you ask anyone else, they were strenuous. LOL – As they say in Spanish: No me gusta! (It does not please me – I don’t like it!) 
I am no fisherman, but I do really like that mailbox!
Monte Stevens
It is eye catching. Wonder if it’s the same attraction to fish.
Really big fish!
I wonder if the mailman feels strange sticking his hand in that mailbox…stranger things have happened! LOL Love it!
Monte Stevens
Well, I would. Thanks, Brooks!