I’m not sure we should ever allow an insane photographer walk unattended around the neighborhood with a new camera and freshly charged battery. Ya never know what sort of crap they’ll find. 🙂
My online journal sharing interests in photography, nature, coffee life, journaling, fountain pens, bicycling, spirituality and asking deep questions.
Tom Dills
Nice of someone to mark it with a flag, although I’m betting the flag was there first.
In the neighborhood where we used to live, we frequently encountered the artifacts of inconsiderate pet owners on the Greenway where we walked. I had seriously considered making it a project to photograph the piles and post them on a blog that I could share with my neighbors. I didn’t figure the people who needed to notice would, so I didn’t bother.
Monte Stevens
LOL I find it frustrating to watch people walk their dogs and not pick up after them. And, one of the reasons I do not have one myself. There is a responsibility in ownership many people do not know about. I wonder what people would think if they did see a photographer out every day taking such images. 🙂
They’d probably think that you were a crappy photographer! 😉 Either that, or that you were building a portfolio of modern art. 😉
Monte Stevens
LOL, and I would be.