There are days I feel fat but today I feel real fat. I have put on some weight and that is not good for someone who just had heart surgery less than a year ago. I need to lose some of it. Along with my walking for exercise I’ve gotten back on the bicycle the past couple of weeks and actually like it. The first couple days my legs were rubbery when I got off it and that has gone away.
I had this crazy thought run through my head telling me how I’d ride more if I had a new bicycle. I looked in my records and the present hybrid bicycle I have was bought new back in July of 2002. So, I have been riding a few bikes, pursuing the perfect bike. Yet, well aware there really is no perfect bike. I’m also finding the imperfect bicycle is not cheap. Maybe I should get rid of my car and just go with the bicycle and the city bus for transportation. I’m rambling now so time to post this and go about my day.
I hear you Monte, it no easy task keeping the weight off (or the muscles on) as you get older. But hey, I am certain you would ride way more if you bought a brand new bike. Just make sure it’s one that goes vroom, vroom with a first name of Indian or Harley
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Cedric. That was the vote that pushed me over the edge. Gonna do the deal. However, the brand name on the bike will be Trek but I could sure name the bike Indian or Harley. In fact that will be my first major task with it. Wait, my first decision will be the color. Thinking I’m going with the Alpine Blue.
Tom Dills
Finding the perfect bike is just like finding the perfect camera, lens, car, etc. Ain’t really no such thing. Doesn’t stop us from trying! Give yourself a bit of a break though – your recovery time was long and you’ve been gradually working your way back. A few pounds isn’t really a big deal, but recognizing it and taking steps to get back to where you were is the place to begin.
Let us know what bike you end up with!
Monte Stevens
I saw a photograph of me taken on Wednesday and whoa does that image show the growth of the spare tire around the middle. I do notice the workout the riding gives me. It does ramp up my heart rate and improves my lung capacity. Here again, I need to take my time and be patient. My past has been the scheduling and planning our culture trained me with so I’d set a completion date and expect to me it. Slow steady progress keeps me much more calm and peaceful. Staying healthy is a must and not focus on pounds.