The contemplative discipline of meditation… doesn’t acquire anything. In that sense, and an important sense, it is not a technique but a surrendering of deeply imbedded resistances that allows the sacred within gradually to reveal itself as a simple, fundamental fact.
Martin Laid
This image was handheld when it was 7 degrees and with a slight breeze out of the northeast. Because of those two factors it is not sharp, probably true of more of my images than I want to admit, but I do like the feel of it. It shouts, “Damn it’s cold!” On the upside we are moving into a few days of warmer weather, reaching into the 60’s.
Alexander S. Kunz
I don’t really see whether it’s sharp or not in the web-sized version, but I do love the color palette.
Monte Stevens
Thanks for stopping by, Alex. I also love the subtle color palette of this scene. I assume you are much warmer!!
Alexander S. Kunz
Do you really want to know?
We’re having a few above-average temperature days right now. Today it was 77F at our house.