Found this on a walk along Spring Creek trail. Straight out the camera. This is not a rant about the people who leave their trash wherever they are done with it. However, I will share a bit more about the Fujifilm X-E1.
I am still finding myself accidently rotating the exposure compensation knob with my right thumb. It’s taking me longer than I expected to adjust to it’s location. I am a slow learner, ya know.
So far the 18-55mm f2.8-4.0 lens has been a surprise. Not sure what my expectations of the lens were as I bought it in the kit. It’s heavier than expected but that is more than compensated with it’s optics. I do not find it uncomfortable to hang around my neck for a 2-3 hours on a walk. It’s sharpness meets my needs and beyond. I’ve experienced some focus wandering with low light and low contrast scenes. Moving the focus point by pressing the AF button and moving the focus point with my thumb is time consuming and awkward. Right now, I prefer to keep my focus point in the middle then press the shutter to focus on my subject and reframe the scene. I will keep playing with it as there will be those times when I need to change that focus point.
Tom Dills
Very nice example of some good bokeh, Monte. I’ll be interested to see what it does with specular highlights like Christmas lights.
Bonus points if you picked up the can and deposited it in the nearest receptical.
Monte Stevens
Yes, that will be a good test of the lens. Bonus points are always good.:-)
Monte, similarly, I like to do the same thing, focus, then reframe. However, sometimes I will move the focus rectangle to the proper location if the reframing results in a focus shift, such as when I’m in close.
Monte Stevens
I do the same thing. I’ll even move it if I have several shots I’m going to be taking.
David Leland Hyde (@
Remember the commercials, “…Wouldn’t you like to be a Pepper too?” To that I would answer that I’d rather be a Bell Pepper than a Dr. Pepper.
Monte Stevens
Yes, I vaguely remember those commercials.
Cedric Canard
Nice example of what this camera can do. I have to say that so far I like everything I’ve seen come out of Fuji’s X-series cameras. With regards to focusing, I used to do the same as you, focus & recompose but I find that sometimes that can stuff up the exposure a little unless I’m in manual mode. With my current camera however, I have found that I can concentrate on composition and let the camera find the focus point. If I don’t like what it’s picked I just half-press the shutter button again and it presents me with a different option until I get what I want but generally it seems to get it right first time. As long as the subject matter is not on the extreme edge.
Monte Stevens
I will also do that with my D300, especially for quick shooting.