“The wanderer is one who gives priority to the duties of longing over belonging. No abode is fixed. No one place is allowed finally to corner or claim the wanderer. A new horizon always calls. The wanderer is committed to the adventure of seeing new places and discovering new things.”
John O’Donohue
I just read the above quote from O’Donohue’s book Eternal Echoes two days ago. It so rings true for me. Yes, call me a romantic but as I approach my 70th birthday in a couple months, I still have those inner urges, the desires of the wanderer. I’ve been in my condo for 20 years now, it is my abode, it is a sanctuary for quiet, a place to meditate, read and write, a place to rest my head and keeps me warm and dry, and it is a physical place. The wanderer does not have that abode but journeys toward those new undiscovered horizons. I believe those new horizons are a sanctuary, a place of quiet for us to discover. We can just be, wherever we are, even wandering. So, today I’m dreaming or longing of wandering.
I’ve come to understand myself as a wanderer as well. There was a time in my life when I thought I’d probably reach a point of wanting to “settling down” by a certain age but I’ve since come to understand I’ll probably always feel the pull, the “longing” right up to death. “Longing over belonging,” yelp, that expresses it well. If anything that feeling has gotten stronger as I’ve aged. But there’s certainly a downside to it as well.
Lovely trail photo, Monte. Let’s head down it!
Monte Stevens
I’ve been longing for those new horizons, including the inner horizons, for many years. I’ve done some but there is still the longing for more. Maybe a thirst that will never be quenched. In fact death is our final horizon. Let’s go!
That is a lovely looking trail Monte, very alluring. I think I’ve become more of a wonderer than a wanderer these days but I would happily head down a trail as inviting as this one. Especially in the company of you and Earl
Monte Stevens
Sounds good, my friend! I’m willing to let you lead. It does make you wonder.