“We are created out of love and are made to energize the world in love… Aging can be either a life of nostalgia or whole hearted engagement with the future.”
Ilia Delio
I leave today for Phoenix to have an early Thanksgiving with my dad, two sisters and brother-in-law. I may not be active here as I’m only taking my tablet and phone. Hold the fort down while I’m away.
Have a safe journey and a wonderful visit, Monte. Treasure the moments there.
Monte Stevens
Thanks Earl. I’m packed and ready to go.
Tom Dills
That sounds like a great way to spend Thanksgiving, Monte. Have a safe trip and enjoy time with your family there.
Monte Stevens
Thanks Tom I will so far. It’s been a lot of food and there’ll be more food coming.
Faye White
Have a safe trip and enjoy your time with family. Consider the fort held.
Monte Stevens
It is supposed to be 86 degrees today. I’m now sitting on the porch in the backyard overcast skies, hummingbirds flying near me, it’s wonderful.