Someone used the word enoughness this past week and it has stayed with me. I am one of those people who always seem to want “more.” So, when she said enoughness, it struck something within me. After some research on it I found the most common definition was: “the state or condition of being enough; sufficiency; adequacy.” But maybe a better definition for me would require changing the word being to becoming, making it dynamic rather than passive. This makes enoughness a part of the journey in life, where I’m content with today, while trusting that tomorrow will also have its enoughness. Living in enoughness we can experience joy and true fulfillment with what we have. There is no need for more, just content in the very moment. Forgive me as I continue to play with words, what they mean to me at this time in life and how I can articulate them, or not.
An interesting word, enoughness. I will think on that today.
Monte Stevens
Make sure you think enough about enoughness.
I think it is a growing trend surrounding concerns about sustainability, consumption, and minimalism. More words to compliment “enoughness.”
Monte Stevens
Thank you Mark. I like complimenting those words with enoughness.