“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.”
My ability to dream and fantasize goes way back. I could create a whole world in my head and stay there for hours simply by saying, “let’s pretend,” even when that was subconscious. I believe it’s an essential part of our young lives but there is a point where we cease pretending and begin living in the reality of life. Some of us do that sooner than others. I put myself in the later category. I’ve become aware of when to entertain thoughts without accepting them and let them go. Progress, as they say. Having said that I still find myself entertaining a thought just as this young lady seems to be doing but not accepting it as reality. Hope you had a good Monday!
Bonnie Moore
I’ve found that entertaining a thought with “Take the case that it’s you,” opens up a whole other channel for my self-exploration and examination.
On another note, so happy you’re feeling better! Keep up the good work!
Monte Stevens
You are so very right, my friend! This self-exploration and examination is such a gift in life for those of us who practice it. Seems that it’s through such a practice that we come to know ourselves better and discover when we’re playing some role to be who we think someone wants us to be. Maybe it comes down to the difference of saying “let’s pretend” to saying “what if?” Seems growth is made when our approach is the “what if.” This would be one of those topics where a couple hours at a coffee shop would be needed. Maybe taking down a few notes! Thanks, Bonnie for your comments. I just love to hear what you have to share!
There is a part of my mind that I keep completely empty just so I can fill it with daydreams when needed.
Monte Stevens
LOL I do believe all of us have such a place and of varying sizes. Thanks you brought a smile to my face.
Tom Dills
Maybe her thought is wondering who that guy with the camera is and why he is pointing it at her.
Monte Stevens
LOL You are probably right!!!