Almost everyone has a cell phone. It may not be a smart phone but it will make calls. This image demonstrates that. Heck the man had his laptop open on his lap.
My online journal where I share my interests in photography, nature, coffee life, journaling, fountain pens, bicycling, spirituality and asking deep questions.
Steve Skinner
I’m sure that all of their conversations are important too.
Monte Stevens
He seemed so intent, making me feel like it was business. We see it all the time. I can be just as guilty.
Tom Dills
I find myself wondering who they’re talking to. Maybe each other. You’ve captured the intensity well, I think.
Monte Stevens
I’ve wondered about the conversation, also. Is it business negotiation, a distressed family member or friend, details on a funeral, etc. We just never know. Thanks, Tom!
What scares me is the number of people that I see texting and driving. I’ve extremely careful when I cross the street while walking. I need to make eye contact before I dare cross. Too many people not paying attention to driving their cars.
Monte Stevens
Yep. I see them doing it all the time. If they’re beside me, I slow down and let them get ahead of me. I’ll watch them!