The range of the human mind, the scale and depth of the metaphors the mind is capable of manufacturing as it grapples with the universe, stand in stunning contrast to the belief that there is only one reality, which is man’s, or worse, that only one culture among the many on earth possesses the truth. To allow mystery, which is to say to yourself, “There could be more, there could be things we don’t understand,” is not to damn knowledge. It is to take a wider view. It is to permit yourself an extraordinary freedom: someone else does not have to be wrong in order that you may be right.
Barry Lopez
I’m about to push publish as I sit on my porch watching flashes of lightning and listening to thunder. We are receiving the gift of a refreshing and much needed rain. I watch and listen with a feeling of gratitude as it’s been hot and dry here. Hope you are enjoying your Friday! I started my day with the above Americano. And, Mr Barry López is spot on!
We’ve had some much-needed rain over the last couple of days, and there’s more forecasted, for whatever that’s worth. High temperatures are in the upper 80s for the next few days, but the humidity makes it muggy. Have a great weekend, Monte!
Monte Stevens
Our humidity is high today also. I just finished a walk and worked up a sweat. But some of that sweating is due to the girth that I have acquired over the years.
We are expected to have more rain tomorrow, too. Stay cool, my friend and enjoy your weekend!