courage to persist
listening for our answer
robins morning song
Watching the first light of this new day, the moon setting in the west while the sun brightens the eastern sky. A gentle wind blows, prompting the meadow grasses to dance. A pelican bobs on the waves of the reservoir. Robins sing their morning song for me. A hawk effortlessly soars on the wind currents high above the reservoir. These are calming moments for my soul to begin the day. We have a chance for rain today, much needed moisture.
I am watching the sun rise from my balcony. Birds are singing and flitting around the rooftops. I have no idea what kind of birds they are. There is a pair of hawks that will soar and swoop later in the day. Occasionally, a flock of geese will fly between the buildings, honking as they go.
You paint a beautiful scene with your words. Have a great day, Monte.
Monte Stevens
And, you also, my friend! In fact you have been instrumental in my blogging and writing due to your encouragement and suggestions. I am very grateful for that! And, may you have a great day, also. Suppose to get up to 70 degrees today for us.