Wikipedia states that a weed is any plant that is considered by the user of the term to be a nuisance. To some this field is considered a nuisance while I think it is a work of art. I also like how the wind is blurring some of the flowers.
I came across a good read and wanted to pass this along.
Monte, the classification of this as a weed or flower is also dependent upon the moment in a persons life. Years ago on my fathers farm this was most certainly a weed, today as a photographer it’s more a flower. Our view upon the world changes as we do, as we grow and change ourselves. Thanks for the opportunity to ponder. 🙂
Monte Stevens
Glad you enjoy pondering. Most people do not like dandelions but there is nothing as pretty as a large open meadow in Wisconsin covered with them. And, I’m not sure what it is, a white yarrow?
Brad Mangas
I couldn’t agree more Monte. The weed is in the eye of the beholder. I believe those who look at items others disregard as a nuisance and find beauty and art instead live a much richer life because of it.
Monte Stevens
Even the dandelion is enjoyable to me. Living in your grasslands most likely helps you to enjoy all those flowers.