Another one of my most photographed trees that happens to be on someones property. I stake claim to the tree because I may have more images of it than the property owners do. I’ve worked this tree from different perspectives, in different light and in different weather, and all from the road and bar ditch. I shoot over the barbwire fence and under it. I’ve walked up and down that bar ditch a few times and know it pretty well. But, every once in a while I see everything differently. Which tells me one of the aspects of returning to familiar places is all about finding the unfamiliar.
ken bello
I have missed this tree. Thank you.
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Ken. I have also so I’ll be making more visits, with my camera.
Tom Dills
What a great sky, Monte! Scenes like that are definitely ones to return to. You just never know what you’ll discover.
Monte Stevens
Discovery is exciting. When revisiting familiar places I’ve noticed how sometimes I can be excited when I step out of the car, sometimes bored or mentally somewhere else. Yet, if we continue on and stay present we may be pleasantly surprised.