I’m now sitting in a coffee shop across from the tire store. I had to change a flat tire this morning on my way to the natural area. So, I drove over here to get it fixed. Surprisingly this is the first flat on this car in the 11 years I’ve had it. No one to blame I tried to make a u-turn and ran up on the curb. Put a good sized hole in the tire and hope I did not destroy the rim. The mocha latte is good and I didn’t get my pants dirty. Not how I wanted to start this day but I’m adjusting. I needed to have new tires put on before winter and so now is probably the time to do it.
Hope you have a wonderful day!
It was a giant leap forward when an unknown man first invented the wheel, but it must have been ‘Murphy’ who invented the flat tire. I’m never lucky enough to find a coffee shop across from a tire store. I usually have to sit in their uncomfortable waiting room with year-old dust-covered magazines.
Monte Stevens
LOL I’ve sat in those same uncomfortable chairs and seen those same dusty magazines. Gonna cost me about $600 and they will have it done in an hour. Had to buy a bit higher priced tire but well within my budget and convenience. And, it was a beautiful sunrise while I changed the tire!!!
Tom Dills
At least it wasn’t the raccoons that damaged your tire, although blaming yourself won’t ease the pain. Unexpected car troubles are no fun, but it sounds like it turned out as well as it might have. You missed a sunrise at the natural area but still got to see one. Better luck tomorrow!
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Tom! It’s been a good day every since.
Faye White
When you least expect it, life gets lifey. Good the universe provided a welcome spot for coffee.
Monte Stevens
Yes, the universe built that coffee shop several years ago just for my need yesterday. I’m coming to see that the experiences of each day all have some nugget to them, sometimes only seen later. Hope you have a great day!
Geri Oster
Hi Monte, so very glad that you are back!! I was actually getting quite concerned for your well-being. Although it’s not great to have technological and mechanical troubles like website issues and flat tires, alas, that is life isn’t it. Just so glad that you are healthy and well and able to rise to the occasions to walk through the difficulties. As has been noted, how lovely that your Higher Power saw fit to provide a dandy coffee shop so handy to comfort you after your flat tire troubles! There truly always is provision if we are patient and willing to see it!! Blessings.
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Geri. Again, good to hear from you as I do look forward to your comments and concerns. I have had a busy day, am a bit tired from good conversations. Will relax this evening and get in some reading. Hope all is well with you two!!