Yesterday morning we awoke to our first heavy frost and temperatures in the mid twenties. I did not want to get out of bed, so I didn’t. Felt good! After a late breakfast I took the bus to campus then walked to a coffeehouse called Mugs. From there I headed to Old Town. With camera around my neck I dis some obvious people waatching. Again, the mundane stuff to some people caught my eye such as the shadows cast by a tree on a window, frost covered leaves at the bus stop and a backlit leave on a firtree. Grabbed a sandwich then a bus ride back home.
Steve Skinner
I can’t explain it, but I am always excited by the first frost and snow flakes.
Monte Stevens
It must be the kid in us. But, one or two is all I need for the season.
Tom Dills
Sounds like a great way to spend your day, Monte!
The Frosty Leaves photo almost makes me shiver. Brrrr….!
Monte Stevens
I enjoyed the day as it warmed nicely. I know to live!