coffee life,  gratitude

Full of Gratitude…

I had my oral surgery today. I’m happy to say I’ve had almost no pain and eating soft foods has been a breeze. I remember almost none of the procedure. As usual with IV’s it took three stabs to get a vein. Just after that its a blank. When Larry and I got home he said something about them taking me to the car in a wheelchair. I don’t remember that at all! It’s been a long time since I had a blackout from my drinking days. 😂 They also prescribed me 4 small pills for pain called oxycodone to take every 6 hours. I’m following those instructions and will take the last one in the morning then be done with them. Oh, and since I did not have to have the sinus perforation closure done, the cost was about half. From the x rays, it looked like they may have been a sinus perforation to repair but once the tooth was removed all was good. 

Old Town Mocha latte at Mugs taken a couple weeks ago

This oral surgery experience is so different from the one I had over thirty years ago. I have to admit that because of that past experience, I experienced a couple days of anxiety. However, when I got up this morning and went through my routines, I had a calm about me. I will be taking antibiotics (Amoxicillin) three times a day for the next ten days. No coffee for a few days but I can still go to my coffee shops. It may be iced tea for a while. I’m full of gratitude this evening! Hope you had a good day!!!!!

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku/poetry. Have a love for fountain pens.


    • Monte Stevens

      Pretty scary. Although I am not addicted to caffeine as there is so very little in the two espresso shots I take. My other alternatives are the matcha latte and an iced tea. I felt good enough to ride Arboretum coffee shop and selected the 8 ounce matcha tea latte. Sat in the sun and sipped on while journaling.

  • Tom Dills

    Just yesterday Kathy & I were talking about the advances in all types of surgery over the last 30-40 years. Things that were cutting edge years ago are almost routine now. Who could have imagined joint replacement surgery done almost as an outpatient? Your dental experience is no exception.

    Glad to hear that all went well. I know you’ll be careful with the pain meds, if you decide to take them at all. And all will be well once you are able to return to your usual coffee mornings! And don’t forget about iced coffee, I’m a real fan in the summer time.

    • Monte Stevens

      Yes, Tom, there are millions of people who would not be alive if it weren’t for the medical tech advancements we’ve made.
      I am also very grateful for the recovery of this procedure. There has just been no pain, crazy. I am fatigued, and that may be more from the anesthesia than anything else.

  • geri oster

    Monte, I am thrilled to hear how well your dental surgery went! Now that you are a few days out, I hope that you are feeling recovered from the anesthesia and also feeling a bit back to normal. I too am grateful for the medical technology advances having had dental surgery myself nearly 40 years ago, and then again only last year. No comparison. Blessed healing, my friend. Unlike you, Coffee Is My dear, dear Friend…that would’ve been the greatest challenge for me!! Yes, there is still work to do!

    • Monte Stevens

      I am thrilled to Geri! I actually got in a 12 mile bicycle ride yesterday and 5 more miles this morning for coffee and back. It is actually a beautiful day to be riding a bicycle. And coffee is my friend also, but caffeine is not. Seems I have much to be grateful for when I look at all of the details life gives me while so few of them are actually negative. Thank you, jerry, for being one of those things I am grateful for! Enjoy your holiday weekend!