… from a wintry looking Colorado. I was shocked when I awoke this morning. It was quiet, very quiet, always a sign we may have snow. Then in the distance I could faintly hear a snowplow along Prospect Road. My understanding of the forecast was for snow to start this evening and into Monday morning. It arrived much earlier than expected. I drove by Rowland Moore Park to get a few images of the snow. Looks like we have about 2 inches, a dry and fluffy snow. Probably a different look than Cedric, who is running the air-conditioner or heading the beach. I also hear a cold and frosty time for those along the east coast. Enjoy your Sunday!
Tom Dills
The quiet is one of the few things I like about snow! It looks like things were pretty frosty “back home” this morning. While it was cooler here at the beach (40s this morning) we still got our walk in and took a few photos. Supposed to be rainy and breezy here the next few days, warming back into the 70s, hopefully.
Monte Stevens
It is 21 degrees right now. Just arrived at Mugs for coffee and Internet time. Glad you are enjoying the warmer climate. That is what retirement is about.
Cedric Canard
Yes, I have to say that this is a completely foreign landscape to me, and not just now as we head into Summer, but for anytime of year (the weather here is beach weather all year round
). This must look rather special though. My daughter would like it so much. It can never be cold enough for her.
Enjoy the quiet Monte
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Cedric!