“At every moment, life gives you the opportunity to do something with what life gives you, and, therefore, Grateful Living means learning to avail yourself, moment by moment, of that opportunity.”
Brother David Steindl-Rast
I got together yesterday with some friends for one of those corn boils which I’d never been to before. They make up this big pot of corn on the cob, sausage, potatoes, and onions. Everyone was supposed to bring a side dish or a dessert. Not sure about you, but I always seem to overeat at shindigs like this. I was so stuffed when I left, I went out by Reservoir Ridge Natural Area to walk around a little bit and enjoy those beautiful clouds. I am so grateful for the friends in my life and for the beauty of nature. I am also grateful for the opportunity to experience both.
Update: the Alexander Mountain Fire is 83% contained, so our blue sky is back, and air quality will continue to increase.
Tom Dills
Why are we so able to (usually!) eat sensibly when we’re on our own but tend to overindulge in a social situation with an ample supply of yummy food? I suppose the social aspect of eating tends to take away our good intentions. For me it goes back to the days of the “Clean Plate Club” where I was encouraged to “take the last piece.” And there is all that food….
Monte Stevens
For me, a lot of it has to do with the variety of foods. There are dishes there that i’ve never tasted before. One of those dishes may be just what I needed or two of them. We have a light drizzle falling this morning, it’s much cooler, and we’re expecting it to be this way for the next week. Have a great day!