flowers,  gratitude,  Plants

Gratitude Lists

It's in the details
It’s in the details

Saturday afternoon and sitting on the patio of a local coffee shop. CSU is playing a football game so pretty much have the place to myself. A beautiful day. It was 47 degrees this morning at 7:00 am and is now 83 degrees with clear blue skies. The cool breeze is refreshing.

Every day is a day for gratitude. Over the past few years I’ve acquired the habit of making gratitude lists in my journals. Some days it’s only one thing and some days it’s a longer list. A list is important for me as a visual person, something written in black and white that I can see. Today I’m grateful for the details in this dandelion.  Do you write out a gratitude list? 

Enjoy your weekend! 

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku/poetry. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Earl

    I often think about the things I’m grateful for but I haven’t had the discipline to form a written list. It would be a good exercise.

    I wish there were coffee shops I could walk to some mornings. Currently, all those nearby requires driving which seems counter-productive to the mood I’d like to enhance. Have a good day, Monte! 🙂

    • Monte Stevens

      It is a discipline for sure. My Fitbit says it’s 1.8 miles to a favorite coffee shop but there are two others that are closer. I actually have to pass them on my way here. The walk is also a time to look for images where that’s not as possible when driving.

  • Cedric Canard

    I don’t write anything down but gratefulness is one of the three things I contemplate on a daily basis. I find that being grateful is an exceptionally good way to relax and let go, which I am sure, you and Earl already know 🙂