“Everyone is born with a special talent, you have to look deep within to find it, but no matter who you are, it is within.”
My online journal where I share my interests in photography, nature, coffee life, journaling, fountain pens, bicycling, spirituality and asking deep questions.
Seeking a “special talent” can be a lifelong process — not always successfully completed. It can lead to frustration at times. I believe one has to make peace with who they are, where they are with the knowledge both will change with time.
A beautiful green hue, Monte.
Monte Stevens
You’re right, again. These quotes I post here are not necessarily something I totally agree with but at the time the resonate with me. It’s bits and pieces that become the seeds for growth and change with all aspects of my life.
Tom Dills
Ahhh, more Velvia. 😉
Monte Stevens
You like it too!