Some days the best we can do is just hang on.
We received about 5-6 inches from this storm this past Wednesday. Now we are in for several days of variable cloudy days, cold temperatures, low teens at night and not much above 32 degrees for our daily highs. The snow will stay around with those conditions. Hope you had a good week, enjoy your weekend and hang in there.
Faye White
So true; some days just putting one foot in front of the other is the best course. Stay warm, the snow will melt one day.
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Faye. Some days are like that but the sunny days are well worth it.
Yelp, some days you have to play for the long game. Have a good weekend, Monte!
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Earl. Cloudy and overcast this morning. Hope to see the sun!
Tom Dills
Hang On, and as the sign in the background warns, Watch Your Step.
Monte Stevens
For sure. Keep our face off our phones.