What fills the heart with happiness, ironically enough, is not what we get out of the world; it’s what we put into it. Being about something worthwhile, spending our lives on something worth spending a life on is what, in the end, makes us happy.
Joan Chittister
My barista this morning was Stephen. I hadn’t seen him for a while and discovered he’d taken some time off while his father was out here visiting. It sounds like their time together made them happy.
I consider myself a happy person. My greeting by Stephen this morning enriched my happiness. Having said that it seems to take more to upset me than in the past. However, I must admit that drivers can test my peace, serenity and happiness. At this stage in my life happiness does not come so much from what I do as when I was pursuing a career, gathering the things the world told me I needed and so on. For me happiness comes from the lifestyle I attempt to live, a spiritual lifestyle which includes starting my day with prayer and meditation. I call this quiet time, center myself for the day. Happiness comes from how I treat and respect all of life that shares this world with me. Happiness comes from what creative acts I offer as a gift, such as photography or my blogging. Happiness comes from listening and being present to a friend or stranger. Happiness comes from times in nature, watching the sunrise or sunset or the changing colors of the fall season. Happiness comes from building relationships with my family, friends, strangers and the natural world around me. I could go on but instead I invite you to share with us some things that bring happiness in your life and the life of those around you. I told you there would be more leaves!
What brings happiness to me? I could list the “normal” things, such as family, friends, or a beautiful day in a place I love, but often, the unpredictable moments of laughter or joy make me realize how lucky and happy I am. I have an irreverent sense of humor, which I often direct towards myself or prompt spur-of-the-moment ironic situations that I’ll sometimes turn into almost stand-up comic-worthy monologues. Fortunately, probably for others, I am a rather shy introvert, so this only happens with people I’m close and secure with. Luckily, Bonnie hasn’t yet seemed too “put off” by me!
Never too many leaves…
Monte Stevens
I like that description of “irreverent sense of humor.” What you describe seems to be sourced from within, something you have, not something you look for to find happiness. Sounds like Saint Bonnie is a keeper!!!
Faye White
Leaf love!
Ah happiness. The smaller the gap between expectations and reality, the happier we are. Or so I’ve read.
Monte Stevens
I think you have something there with your statement about a “small gap” between expectations and reality. I heard that expressed that the lower our expectations the greater our serenity but I like how you sad it. Thanks, Faye, and you just may see more leaves.
You know, this font recommended by Earl is making my eyes happier.
Even though I sometimes have a difficult time defining “happiness” for myself, I do find wisdom in your words here Monte. And I do always enjoy looking at leaves.
Monte Stevens
Defining happiness may be on of those words that has no real definition that fits everyone. Seems it’s more viable to experience happiness. I bet I can find a few more leaves to post.