Instead of creating a list of new resolutions to accomplish in the coming year, I’ve decided to make a short list of resolutions I’m not going to do for the remainder of the year.
So, beginning at noon today:
- I’m not gonna do any more laundry until next year (saves water and I live alone)
- I’m not gonna eat again until next year (have not eaten healthy the past 4 weeks – sigh)
- I’m not gonna shower again until next year (saves water and I live alone)
- I’m not gonna write another blog post until next year (a major relief for many who read this blog)
- I’m not gonna take down the tree until next year (an attitude I’m gonna hang on to for the rest of the year)
- I’m not gonna drive my car until next year (saves gas and there’s some crazy drivers on the road)
- I’m not going to clean my house until next year (I live alone and feel lazy)
- I’m not gonna pay any more insurance on the car (more coffee money)
- I’m not gonna pay any more income taxes until next year (already paid enough and afraid to think about what they do with it)
- I’m not gonna party as hard as I did last year (getting too old for the wild life)
I told you it was a short list. If you can think of any feel free to add them in the comments. I’m listening. Happy New Year to you.
Cedric Canard
Seems like a good way to go Monte. I like the one about the Christmas tree. I always thought that if I ever built my own house I would put a special storage space in the lounge which could store the entire, fully decorated tree so that it could just be wheeled out of storage at the start of December and wheeled back in at the end.
Have a happy new year Monte.
Monte Stevens
Now that is an awesome idea, Cedric. f I ever build a house I’m going work something like into the plans. Have a Happy New Year, my friend!
Steve Skinner
With all the cash you will be saving by not eating or driving today, I would walk to the coffee shop for a second coffee. Happy New Year!
Monte Stevens
A great idea! Enjoy the coming year!
Tom Dills
As long as you don’t stop taking pictures until next year I think you’ll be OK. Hope your new year is even better than the old one!
Monte Stevens
Now, that’s frightening.
Happy New Year, Monte. I’m pulling for you to be able to keep all those resolutions!
Monte Stevens
So far so good!