Here’s a self-portrait of the party animal. Lights were out by 10:23 and blankets were pulled up around my neck due to the sub-freezing temperatures. This is what happens when you’re facing your 65th birthday in 2015, carry an extra 15-20 pounds at the waistline and have a difficult time staying awake past 11:00. I stopped trying to stay up till midnight and welcome in the new year a few years ago. I figure I’ll see it in the morning feeling refreshed after a good nights sleep. In my past I did not need a holiday to party and drink, any day worked. I actually was more interested in the “four” bowl games on New Year’s Day. We’d set out unhealthy snacks and overdose on both all day long. When the kids were younger it was fun to make them a big breakfast and watch the Rose Bowl Parade. I hope everyone has a blessed 2015 and Happy New Years!
LOL…Ok, I did make it past mid-night this year, but mainly because the fireworks the neighborhood idiots were setting off was scaring Maggie. Hard to believe it’s 2015. Keep warm, Monty!
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Brooks. It dipped below zero again last night but sunshine all day long. I’m excited to watch your coming year unfold.
Ha ha ha. great photo Monte. Happy New Year.
Monte Stevens
Oh, and I drank two eggnogs.
Mary Ann
LOL. Looks like a great way to ring her in. Off we go, into 2015!
Monte Stevens
I’m quite the party animal. May it be a good year for everyone.
Now that’s bringing in the new year in style, Monte. Normally, I don’t stay up past midnight, or even close to it, but I made it this year and last … barely.
I’d much prefer to be in a comfortable reclining position like you are here … sawing logs! 
Happy New Year, my friend.
Monte Stevens
My life is good, as you can tell. I did get to hear them shooting off fireworks in Old Town after going to bed. There will always be someone who will celebrate for me.
Hope it’s not too late to wish you a Happy New Year, Monte.
Monte Stevens
Not at all. It was quiet and subdued at my house. Now on with the year.
Cedric Canard
Ha, I beat you. I was in bed at 9:30pm and I’m 10 years younger than you! Wait, I shouldn’t really be boasting about that. Oh well.
All the best Monte, even though it’s already 10 days into the new year.
Monte Stevens
Age sneaks up on us, Cedric.
Hope this coming year is full of happiness and good health!