The land is the real teacher. All we need as students is mindfulness.
Robin Wall Kimmerer
Magpies do not sing as a robin or meadowlark, they chatter. Constantly. As soon as I arrive they will land on the fence in front of me while still in my car and jabber away, and sometimes making good eye contact. I’m going with the assumption they are happy to see me. Hope you had a wonderful 4th of July!
A fine-feathered friend!
Monte Stevens
Good morning. Hope you had a good day yesterday, spending some time with family. Animals are so interesting to me and that includes those are fur babies as well as in the wild. I do consider them friends.
Glad to read you got your ice cream fix yesterday. I completely understand
Monte Stevens
Yes, all turned out okay. I was surprised to see them closed on the 4th of July. I make it sound like I have a problem with ice cream but I what I really have is a problem with many other foods.
Probably chattering wondering if us humans are done making all that loud noise over the past few days.
Monte Stevens
LOL Yes, I would have to agree with you. Some, if not most, of things we humans do seems to be strange to them. Rather than just singing orr chatting we come up with ways to make noise, disturbing peace of others.