Had to a take a trip over to the small town of Windsor which has until recently been primarily a farming community. For me these short excursions are a good way to get out of town for periods of time and away from the bustle of the city. Fall is a time of year when we think about cooler mornings and heavy dew turning to frost. Canada geese will begin their noisy flying overhead and using my ponds as overnight rest stops. No need for a rooster with them around. Fall is also a time for picking blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, tomatoes, pumpkins, sweet corn, squash, onions and whatever else you planted. Just made myself hungry for vegetable soup.
Field corn, what you see in the above image is harvested a bit later than the other vegetables. It requires a low moisture content where it will be used as feed for cattle. Field corn is not generally regarded, in industrialized societies, as not desirable for human food without commercial pre-processing. The stalks and husks will be used as feed also.

Later in the afternoon the clouds started to build up in the west and work their way out east. The passive blue sky now quickly take on the dark ominous look of rain.
Tom Dills
A couple of nice photos, Monte. Summer finally arrived here this week, so we’ve got some heat and humidity to get through before we can start thinking about fall.
Monte Stevens
It was 53 degrees when I left the condo this morning. Brrr. Talked to my dad, who lives on Phoenix and the they are seeing temperaturespecially in the 105-110 range but expecting get to drop into the mid 90 later this eek. It’s all perspective. Enjoy that warmth before it does get colder.