It is the preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that prevents us from living freely and nobly.
Bertrand Russell
I have had an internal struggle for many years with possessions. At times I feel I have too many possessions, at other times I want more, but more often I feel they have possession of me. Yet, over the past few years I have reduced my possessions and love the freedom it offers. The Book of Nature has been instrumental in teaching me how to let go and live freely and nobly.
When we decided to pursue full-time RV living, one of our biggest tasks was selling our traditional home and getting rid of most of our belongings. Although we had some doubts along the way, the most surprising feeling we experienced was a sense of relief. It was eye-opening to realize that our possessions had been controlling us instead of the other way around.
Even though we have more possessions now that we’ve moved into a regular house, we still value the lesson we learned. Plus, being on a fixed retirement budget helps too, haha.
Monte Stevens
Thank you for sharing! I always enjoy when you share your experience and wisdom. Seems we have experienced the same emotions with letting go and these changing lifestyles as we
Hope you have an awesome day!
agemature. I do have a problem of the more thing. I do not easily let got of wanting more, whatever that may be. I do agree the fixed income of retirement helps!