God makes the pictures, I just take ’em.
Ed H. Urqhardt
With an almost cloudless sky on Friday evening I wanted to try for a blue sky sunset taken from the eastern plains. I drove to Cobb State Wildlife Area. I watched and photographed a lovely sunset but the sky was not the blue I wanted due to a prescribed burn near Red Feather Lakes. On my way home I stopped and took this image to show the fire. You can see the smoke rising from the mountains on the right side of the image. Even though it was a small fire it filled the sky with its ugly gray/brown color. Yet, I cannot be disappointed because I was given this image, just as it is. Or, as the quote says, I just take ’em.
You came away with an excellent and unique photo, Monte. I love the blueish mountain horizon line and the wisps of yellow/orange smoke in the sky. Very appealing and nicely done even if you do “just take them!”
Monte Stevens
Yes, it is a unique photo, even without smoke from a forest fire. As you say not bad for a photo I just took.