This image was taken this morning as I walked to the bus stop. It is a wet area along Spring Creek with cattails and tall grass. It is located behind the Walgreens and some apartments. When I first moved here almost 20 years ago I would see foxes, raccoons, deer and lots of birds in this area but not any more. We have disturbed them enough that they’ve moved to other areas.
I had my annual physical this morning. It was a year ago this month that I had my heart surgery and things seem to be fine. Doctor gave me a thumbs up on my blood work and my heart sounds good. His only suggestion for improvement was to lose some weight. The thing is I knew he was going to say that because he’s right. More walking and less sugars seems to be the suggested remedies. I knew that, too! I suppose that means no more chocolate eclairs. Sigh!
Noooo!! Not the chocolate eclairs!! I’m not sure I could give up eclairs, though I have coffee eclairs and I’m pretty sure that coffee has zero calories, so I’m sure that’s fine
Congrats on passing your physical, Monte. That is good news indeed.
Monte Stevens
Well, I’ve decided to give up the twinkies and keep the eclairs.
Congratulations on the good health report! It is disheartening that we continue to push wildlife away from their natural habitat.
Monte Stevens
I’ve watched wildlife numbers drop over the years as habitat is replaced with homes and strip malls. Along with their loss of habitat we lose places to connect with nature and silence/healing it brings us.
Congratulations on the health report! Try the almond croissants as an alternative to the eclairs, almonds are healthy
Monte Stevens
Yes, almond croissants. Two a day.
Yep good news. If you sneak an eclair now and then, we promise not to rat you out to the doc.
Monte Stevens
Its our secret and also with the almond croissants.