I watched him stop and turn the white pickup truck around. I knew he was coming to check on me. He’d watched me pull over just after we’d passed each other on the dirt road. It is nice to know there are caring people wanting to make sure we’re okay. I often wonder what goes through peoples head when they see an old man siting in the bar ditch, camera mounted on his tripod about two feet off the ground, adjusting our GND filters and watching the sunset. They watch as we swat at mosquitos and flies but have a smile while the frogs croak in the distance. When he saw what I was doing he just slowly drove on by, offering a friendly wave. This is not the only time I’ve had people check on me. I like that.
Tom Dills
It’s nice when someone takes the time to check on you, and it’s usually with good intentions. Although sometimes I wonder…there’s a lot of paranoia around these days, too. And once in a while it’s just another photographer wondering what the heck you’re shooting!
Monte Stevens
LOL I love it when they strain to see what you see.
David Leland Hyde (@
Nice composition. I wonder if that one might not look good as a black and white? The grass looks pretty brown there still. In No Cal here it is very green right now due to finally getting some good precip this Spring, compared to a very dry winter.
Monte Stevens
Wont know unless I try in black and white. I also have it in HDR and still working on it. We’ll see.