It was 22 years ago today my first grandchild was born. A grandson, named Daryian. I have some good memories from my times with him. He and his mother lived with me when he was younger. I remember changing diapers. I remember walking the floor with him when he was sick and could not sleep. I remember taking him with me on Monday evenings to a favorite restaurant for spaghetti dinner. What a mess to cleanup but so worth it. I remember getting down on my knees as we checked out every bug that walked in front of us. I remember him telling me I was too big to climb up on the playground equipment and go down the slide. I did anyway.

I remember the pitter patter of his feet on the hardwood floor as he ran down the hall to my bedroom. I remember finding the car keys in the trash when he was learning to cleanup. I remember the time he pointed out the truck window as geese flew by and told me, “Look gampa, Gucks!” I remember the camping trip where he burnt his leg on the fire ring and wanted to go home, which we did. I remember the weekends he would spend with me. I remember sitting on the couch as we tried to find Waldo.

I remember our 3-day trip to Seattle and Whidbey Island. Watching him eat, and enjoy, mussels, clams and calamari. I remember him standing on the shore watching wave after wave bring in driftwood. I remember his first successful swim the length of the pool at our hotel pool in Oak Harbor. I remember watching him play soccer and scoring his first a goal. I remember seeing him in his first football uniform. I remember the first time I had to start looking “up” at him. I remember watching him walk across the stage to accept his high school diploma and classmate cheering.
Things are different now that he’s older. He works full time as sous chef, has a few college classes under his belt, has the proverbial car payment and a girlfriend. Those take up time. We do not see each other as often but I always enjoy it when we do. Daryian, you are a precious gift in my life. Happy Birthday!
What a lovely birthday tribute and a walk down memory lane.
Being a photographer, of course, you can go back, pull up photos from back then, and remember exactly what he looked like. We did a pick a great hobby, Monte!
Monte Stevens
I could have gone on with more memories but did not want to bore everyone. All four of my grandkids have been a blessing and there are good memories with each of them. And, yes having the camera in hand has provided glimpses into those memories.
Tom Dills
Nothing boring about that story, Monte. Priceless memories, thanks for sharing!
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Tom!