When I’m restless it usually means I need to get out of town, so I did. I have been doing a lot of reading lately and some has been heavy stuff. I headed east to favorite spot along Weld County Road 90, turned the car off and just listened. Total quiet. Ahhh! I could feel the change within my soul. About the only sound I heard was the wind and a few Canada Geese as they passed overhead. Healing was taking place. Seems I am needing more of the quiet and for longer periods of time.
The roads however were muddy which means my car is now dirty. Actually, I think a car needs to be dirty and I do not say that because I’m lazy. Ironically, as I drove out there I passed one of the car washes and there must have been 20-30 cars in line. I questioned in my mind the need for them to waste good water. Yes, I’m okay with a dirty car.
Cedric Canard
Glad to know you found that moment of peace and quiet Monte. Weld County Road 90 could have been shot right here in Queensland, west of Brisbane
And we recently had endless pelting rain for almost two weeks so my car is pretty clean right now 
As for washing my car, I get mine done free of charge by mother nature. All I need to do is take it out of the garage onto the driveway whenever a rain storm hits us
Monte Stevens
I usually use mother nature myself. The cat washes cost too much and waste too much water. Besides there’s no better wat to bring on a rainstorm or snowstorm than for me to wash my car. It’ll happen within 48 hours, guaranty.
Some beautiful scenery out there, Monte. I’d have loved to see and hear those geese overhead.
Monte Stevens
Yes, you would have enjoyed it out there. I must admit I enjoy the geese as they fly overhead but not when they are hanging outside my condo fighting over mates.
Tom Dills
That road looks familiar, and I think I might still have some of that dirt on my car! I’ll admit to using the car wash about once a month, and the one I use does a good job of recycling the water. Or at least they say they do.
Monte Stevens
Yes, you took some Colorado dirt from that road home with you.