I have been pretty good about taking my camera for daily walks during this stay-at-home order. Even got in the walks the past two days when it was snowing and cold, admittedly shorter. And the weather forecasters are telling us more snow, 3-8 inches, by Thursday. Enough already. Bring on spring, rain, thunderstorms, flowers, weeds and sunny walks. I’m ready now!
Tom Dills
Goodness gracious, enough with the snow! We were “chilly” in the 60s today with an overnight low tonight in the 30s. But no snow!
It’s definitely time for spring!
Monte Stevens
I agree but that ain’t what we got in Colorado this morning. We have a full blast of winter, a good 6 inches and still snowing. I see where you guys had some severe storms a couple nights ago.
Hearing 4 inches of snow headed our way – I blame you folks out west.
Monte Stevens
It isn’t my fault, but here it is. At least 6 inches this morning and expecting a steady snowfall until mid afternoon. It’s not all that cold which is a good thing. Most snow this time of the year is wet and melts quickly. Nature taking care of nature.