coffee life,  quotes

I’m spoiled…

We are our thoughts; but we are at the same time much more than just our thoughts. We are also our feelings, our perceptions, our wisdom, our happiness and our love.

Thich Nhat Hanh

It was a cold bicycle ride this morning to the coffee shop. The high humidity made it sink deep within. Yet a beautiful fog had moved in and I saw a half dozen snowflakes in my headlight. Snow is predicted for this afternoon. My barista was Meg. She greeted me with her beautiful smile and made me an Old Town Mocha (see above.) Life is good! There is no doubt, I’m spoiled! Stay warm.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku/poetry. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Earl

    I’ve observed a connection between humidity levels and how intensely the cold feels during my early morning walks. This next week, we’re expecting some below-average temperatures; however, the only chance of snow will be in the mountains at higher elevations. That mocha looks delicious! Have a wonderful Sunday, Monte.

    • Monte Stevens

      The first thing I noticed when I worked in Columbus, Ohio was how the higher humidity had a deep penetrating cold. Much different than here in Colorado. It is bitter cold this morning. Presently 19 degrees and 93% humidity. And, I had another mocha this morning!! Stay warm!!