Another common theme in my images is isolation which could mean getting closer. It also simplifies the image, removing distractions.
My online journal where I share my interests in photography, nature, coffee life, journaling, fountain pens, bicycling, spirituality and asking deep questions.
Ken Bello
Isolation gives this a little mystery – we have no idea of the size of this thing, yet we know exactly what it is.
Monte Stevens
You would be surprised at how large it is. The complete sculpture is 125% of scale.
Anita Jesse
What a terrific creative choice for this subject. All the glorious details, enhanced by the light, are beautifully rendered. This is a favorite of mine among all your work that I have so much admired.
Monte Stevens
I have taken several images of this bison many times as I walk by. For some reason this one worked for me. Practice? Revisiting?