Somewhere in the past I read where we do not make images but receive them. That has resonated with me every since. And, I often reference that idea in some of my blog posts. I’ve personally heard myself give thanks when I have finished a photo session of a sunrise because I do feel I’ve received some kind of gift. Could be the romantic in me. Anyway, I also just read where someone suggests our transition from an agricultural society to an industrial society has shifted our vocabulary and thinking so that we talk about making rather than growing.1Let Your Life Speak by Parker J Palmer, page 97 Something else for me ponder. Just listen to how we speak: we make time, make love, make memories, make a photo, make money, make a living. I have caught myself saying I need to make time when in reality I can’t make time but I can set aside time for coffee and journaling. Anyway, it has me thinking/pondering about how I use the word make. When I think about it, it would make a great conversation over coffee. Gotta make time for that!!!
geri oster
“Accepting time” is beautiful, Monte! Thank you. I am always so blessed when I accept the time to be with you on your blog. Blessings.
Monte Stevens
Well, I consider it a blessing when you show up and comment. Thank you for being here.